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For the Olive Tree Bible App

Start your Bible Study with Free resources for the Olive Tree Bible App.

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What Can We Know About God?

What Can We Know About God?

by R. C. Sproul

Jesus Himself said that knowing God is an essential part of salvation. We must know who God is, and the way to know God is to learn what He has revealed about Himself. In What Can We Know about God?, Dr. R.C. Sproul unfolds Scripture’s teachings on the nature, will, and attributes of God, presenting a glorious picture of our great Creator and Savior. &… Read more…

What is Repentance?

What is Repentance?

by R.C. Sproul

“Repent and believe in the gospel.” From the beginning of His ministry, Jesus called people to repentance. Peter and Paul urged people to repent as well. The concept of repentance is central to the Christian life. But what does it mean to repent? Here Dr. R.C. Sproul unfolds the biblical concept of repentance. He looks at repentance as it relates to rege… Read more…

How Can I Be Right with God?

How Can I Be Right with God?

by R. C. Sproul

The Philippian jailer’s question is as pressing for us as it was for the man who originally asked it. God is holy, and we are not. God cannot stand to look upon sin. How then can we, as sinners, be saved? This book delves into Scripture and church history to explore the Protestant doctrine of justification by faith alone, and in so doing, it points to Chri… Read more…

How Can I Be Blessed?

How Can I Be Blessed?

by R. C. Sproul

How Can I Be Blessed? The Bible is clear that true blessing is only found in the presence of God and in His kingdom. Some of the Bible’s clearest teaching about life in the kingdom of God is found in the Sermon on the Mount. It is there that we find the Beatitudes, a series of promises of blessing. In How Can I Be Blessed?, Dr. R.C. Spro… Read more…

How Should I Think About Money?

How Should I Think About Money?

by R. C. Sproul

Jesus taught more often on money than He did on love or on heaven and hell combined. Why? It’s because money is one of the chief competitors for our affections. “You cannot serve God and money,” He warned. How, then, should Christians view and use money? How should they view and participate in economic systems? In How Should I Think … Read more…

Can I Lose My Salvation?

Can I Lose My Salvation?

by R. C. Sproul

Whether you can lose your salvation is one of the most pressing issues you can face as a Christian. In an uncertain world, painfully aware of the continued reality of their sin, and confronted by the Bible’s warnings about falling away, Christians can be tempted to think that true believers can lose their salvation. In this helpful book,… Read more…

What is the Great Commission?

What is the Great Commission?

by R. C. Sproul

After His resurrection, Jesus gave His disciples a mission: to go to all the nations and make disciples, baptizing and teaching them. That remains the continuing mission of the church today. In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul explores the Great Commission by laying out the biblical basis for missions, defining the gospel and evangelism, and add… Read more…

Are These the Last Days?

Are These the Last Days?

by R. C. Sproul

Toward the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus predicted the destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. His shocked disciples asked when it would happen. Jesus’ response, a lengthy monologue about coming chaos and tribulation, forms the Olivet Discourse, an important and controversial text that has drawn intense interest from Christians through the cent… Read more…

What is the Relationship Between Church and State?

What is the Relationship Between Church and State?

by R. C. Sproul

When the word church is mentioned, many people tend to think of a formal building with a steeple and stained-glass windows. For others, the word brings to mind the idea of a denomination. But the church is much more. In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul carefully and clearly explains that the church is a body of people saved by Jesus Christ an… Read more…

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

by R. C. Sproul

The topic of the Holy Spirit sparks much interest these days, but also much confusion. Thanks to extra-biblical assertions about the Spirit’s person and work, ideas abound as to who the Spirit truly is, how He operates in time and space, and what precisely He does. In this Crucial Questions booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul cuts through the confu… Read more…

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

by R.C. Sproul

No person in history has provoked such widely divergent assessments as Jesus of Nazareth. Some say He was a cunning fraud, while others say He must have been out of His mind. In many cases His story is altered to suit the fancies of those seeking to make Him an ally for a host of militant causes. However, as Dr. R.C. Sproul points out in t… Read more…

What is the Trinity?

What is the Trinity?

by R. C. Sproul

The Trinity is truly a mystery. This doctrine teaches that the God of Christianity is one in His essence but three in His persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Though the word Trinity is not found in the Bible, there is no doubt that the Scriptures teach this triune nature of God. Yet the concept still challenges our finite minds. … Read more…

(Number of titles: 207)